Patrai, Greece

 Team Salary: 58.75M

World Rank: 156 (157)

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Patrai Players

Season 59 - League Matches

Player GP Starts Minutes Setups Setups Success Setup % Assists Shots Shots on Goal Goals On Goal % Scoring %
Home Country F Ayala, Albano 7 7 579 8 7 88 0 10 1 0 10
Home Country F Beloshapka, Yegor 11 10 933 26 13 50 0 17 3 2 18 12
Home Country F Holub, Miroslav 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country F Israel, Devonte 14 14 1298 22 14 64 2 4 0 0
Home Country F Petrovic, Ante 11 11 919 13 11 85 0 19 4 1 21 5
Home Country F Tasev, Ivan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country M Cimesa, Dejan 14 14 1298 27 15 56 0 21 2 1 10 5
Home Country M Flores, Adrißn 5 5 437 10 5 50 0 3 1 0 33
Home Country M Kirilenko, Pavel 9 8 791 12 7 58 0 7 1 0 14
Home Country M Petrovic, Dalibor 10 9 861 6 5 83 0 4 0 0
Home Country M Zhang, Weidong 11 11 902 14 8 57 1 9 1 0 11
Home Country M Zivkovic, Jefto 9 9 832 17 8 47 0 6 1 0 17
Home Country D Clarke, Graeme 12 12 1110 5 5 100 0 2 1 0 50
Home Country D Godinho, Paulo 7 6 540 1 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Marshall, Richard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Nielsen, Glen 10 10 889 4 4 100 0 8 1 0 13
Home Country D Palombi, Tiziano 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Home Country D Young, Justin 14 14 1298 9 6 67 1 1 0 0
Home Country G Holtzen, Curtis 14 14 1298 0 0 0 2 2 2 100 100
Home Country G Madani, Karim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

* Player stats are only included if they occured while the player was playing for this team. Any stats achieved by a player prior to being traded to this team are not included.