Tehran, Iran

 Team Salary: 94.50M

World Rank: 21

Scacci242 Last seen just now

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Tehran Players

Player Attack Total Attack Won Attack Lost Attack% Won Defend Total Defend Won Defend Lost Defend% Won
Home Country F Geiger 133 25 108 19% 142 27 115 19%
Home Country F Humphreys 197 60 137 30% 232 113 119 49%
Home Country F Krajc 38 1 37 3% 28 7 21 25%
Home Country F Sabag 38 9 29 24% 26 8 18 31%
Home Country M Ben-Israel 168 108 60 64% 134 64 70 48%
Home Country M Casagrande 33 14 19 42% 54 21 33 39%
Home Country M Grant 79 41 38 52% 56 27 29 48%
Home Country M Iglesias 63 33 30 52% 98 57 41 58%
Home Country M Jurek 65 34 31 52% 50 25 25 50%
Home Country M Luijten 24 3 21 13% 24 10 14 42%
Home Country M Mariani 57 26 31 46% 49 27 22 55%
Home Country M Mkhize 82 42 40 51% 117 67 50 57%
Home Country M Omerovic 87 52 35 60% 90 52 38 58%
Home Country M Sharp 102 65 37 64% 101 16 85 16%
Home Country D Bell 135 118 17 87% 133 96 37 72%
Home Country D Jiang 37 8 29 22% 24 6 18 25%
Home Country D Kelly 105 70 35 67% 101 60 41 59%
Home Country D Kjµr 122 75 47 61% 138 80 58 58%
Home Country D Leithmann 103 62 41 60% 98 63 35 64%
Home Country D Nascimento 79 35 44 44% 73 37 36 51%
Home Country G Christofileas 11 1 10 9% 10 1 9 10%
Home Country G Poulsen 23 22 1 96% 18 9 9 50%
Total: 1781 904 877 50.8 1796 873 923 48.6