Geelong, Australia

 Team Salary: 94.75M

World Rank: 168

dezr1872 Last seen 0 days ago

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Geelong Players

# Pos Side Player Work Ethic Adaptability
Home Country F C Dutt, Seamus Sambhu Average Average
Home Country F R Lindgren, Samuel Average Poor
Home Country F L Nurmi, Kusti Average Excellent
Home Country F CRL Southam, Patrick Average Average
Home Country F L Yeh, Narciso Average Excellent
Home Country M R Coronel, Carlos Average Excellent
Home Country M R Gallotti, Aniello Average Average
Home Country M CL Gore, Leon Average Excellent
Home Country M L Hamid, Bustanul Average Average
Home Country M L Meozzi, Giambattista Excellent Poor
Home Country M CRL Ptacek, Michal Average Excellent
Home Country M CL Song, Kun-Hyung Average Average
Home Country M L Stein, Jerry Average Average
Home Country M CR van den Berg, Jan Average Excellent
Home Country D RL Donaghy, Gerard Excellent Excellent
Home Country D L Litvinov, Roman Average Poor
Home Country D R Owen, Eifion Excellent Average
Home Country D CR Salvato, Piero Excellent Average
Home Country D CR Walmsley, Stefan Average Average
Home Country G CL Burga, Mario Augusto Excellent Excellent
20 Players