Recap Lineups
The recap Line-ups page reveals the starting line-ups employed by each team. Below the line-ups is a graphic that depicts the relative balance of the game positions used.
Starting Lineups
New York
![]() | |
Player | Position |
Hu, Zheng | F- Left Striker |
Maza, Artur | F- Center Target Forward |
Holzer, Maximilian | F- Right Outside Forward |
Wang, Long | M- Left Attacking Winger |
Osinski, Marcin | M- Left Defending Winger |
Garay, Rafael | M- Right Defending Winger |
Marcos, Fßbio | D- Left Outside Defender |
Dzhavdzhilski, Martin | D- Left Back Defender |
Sulong, Mohd Saufi | D- Right Back Defender |
Cabrera, Jes·s | D- Left Outside Defender |
Hurd, Preston | G- Goal Keeper |
Buenos Aires
![]() | |
Player | Position |
Rigby, Peter | F- Left Outside Forward |
Baleinuku, Leone | F- Right Striker |
Jakorski, Justus | F- Right Outside Forward |
Hughes, Eamonn | F- Left Striker |
Komarudin, Mohammad | M- Right Defending Midfielder |
Soldo, Marko | M- Left Defending Winger |
Choi, Eun-Ho | M- Left Defending Midfielder |
Smiljanic, Igor | M- Right Defending Winger |
Pahulu, Sione | D- Right Outside Defender |
Gore, Helmut | D- Left Outside Defender |
Konov, Anton | G- Goal Keeper |
Starting Position Balance
) and Player Position Changes
New York
- Minute
- Player Out
- Position Out
- Player In
- Position In
- 20
Hurd, Preston
- G- Goal Keeper
Potter, Jamie
- G- Goal Keeper