Europe South News
Wes world news round-up
Posted by: Newswire, 2025-02-07, 123 Views
The off season is long. Too long. We know. But here’s a round-up of the latest and greatest from across the Wes world news bubble.
- Bern is rebuilding. The four-time Wes Cup winners have finally decided to ditch the vets and rebuild the team with youths. Expect them to disappear from the competitive horizon for at least 4-5 seasons. Fun fact: they are in Wes Cup this season so some lucky fellas will get some easy wins. The club released some impressive vets, and the best were snapped up by Lodz, Kyoto and Zagreb.
- Lodz in EN has a new manager, and might be competitive quickly. The team was perhaps the best inactive team in the world, with a bunch of 6-7m stars. They promoted easily. Former Sydney manager Pav has taken over in a bid to challenge for the Top 4 and maybe have a Wes Cup run in the following few seasons.
- Another new club appointment --- Johannesburg manager Tim has taken over Munich as his second team. He will hope to rebuild the club and take them to D1. It’s a return hire as he managed the club years ago.
- It’s been a dry spell for FAs this off season and might not get much better. With more than 250 players on the agency pool, managers will have to take what they can get. Remember new players are created only when the number of FAs sits at 180 or less. Perhaps inactives will take a big chunk in the auto resigns.
- Very few trades this off season as managers are taking a “wait and see” approach. The most notable trades occurred between Brasilia and Ankara, Houston and Perth / Austin, and Beijing / Talcahuano.
- Auto resignings are this Saturday, including the 17-player minimum. Make sure to get your club admin done before then. The season officially kicks off on Tuesday.